I was low, until I learned how to RISE

Hi! My name is Jen Uschold.

I’ve been a Physical Therapist for over 30 years. A client in Alexandria, VA asked me to come home with him one day and be his health coach. I said I did not think my kids would be so thrilled with that! However, this inspired my journey to become a Health and Wellness Coach and in the first group to take the National Board Certification examination in 2017.

I continued to be curious about complementary fields to increase my toolbox for my clients. This led to a deep dive into Pain Science, Lifestyle Medicine, and Mental Fitness coaching.  The combined total of my years studying these fields is close to 25 years! I’ve been passionate about helping and guiding people for decades to empower themselves through knowledge and options. My mantra with my clients at my very first PT job in Pennsylvania was “helping you help yourself”. This was long before I had the language of Pain Science or Coaching which is quite reflective of this phrase.

Additionally, like you, it has been a bumpy unpredictable road. 

I went through a painful divorce. I struggled to show up in a way to help me move forward. At some point, I realized I already harnessed a huge skillset learned over decades to help me through this challenging situation. Up to this point, I did not realize the scope and magnitude of how applying the concepts of Pain Science, Coaching, Lifestyle Medicine, and Mental Fitness could create a huge shift myself which has rippled to my family, friends and clients as well.  

On important days, (like divorce mediation!) I woke up feeling prepared, ready, and able to breathe. More fascinating was the interest from those around me because they could see it too!  This inspired me to use all of my training to make this process less painful for even one person - and the iRise For Me courses were born!

Now, I help those struggling with physical or emotional pain going through difficult life transitions feel more prepared and at ease. At the core of what I coach, it is self-care and self-compassion through the lens of science.

Now, I help those struggling with physical or emotional pain going through difficult life transitions feel more prepared and at ease. At the core of what I coach is self-care and self-compassion through the lens of science. 


My motto: Preparation. Choice. Repetition.

A little about me...

#1. I have three amazing children (I was told I would have none!)

#2. My favorite ice cream is “Graham Cracker Crunch” from Anderson’s in Tonawanda, NY

#3. I grew up outside of Buffalo, NY and now live in Virginia 

#4. I am the youngest of 9 children

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Click here to send me a message - let's figure out how we can work together! 

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